*** ShoeBox Photos ***

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- Daniel E. Flint ***
U.S. Marines ***
Vietnam 1969-1972
into the Marines October 1, 1969, Dan entered Parris Island,
South Carolina for basic training graduating on December 3, 1969.
With MOS specialities of 0331, M-60 Machine Gunner and 2300 Explosive
Ordinance, he was stationed at Camp Lejuanue, North Carolina
with the 1st Marines, 3rd Marine Division. Continued to Camp
Pendleton California for extensive M-60 training 1970-1971 and
(EOD) Explosive Ordinance Disposal at Camp Hansen, Okinawa August-September
1971. His South East Asia (SEA) tour started at DaNang,
Vietnam bumping down it's coast as a Machine gunner on the LST
Tuskluska. Upon reaching Thailand he was transferred inland to
Nam Phong, Thailand from 1971-1972 where he loaded and fused
250 & 500lb bombs on A-6 "Intruders" and F-4 "Phantoms"aircraft.
He was honorably discharged as a E-5 Sergeant in October of 1972.

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net