*** ShoeBox Photos ***

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- Ian David Caird ***
U.S. Navy *** Vietnam 1969-1970
enlisted in 1965 with the Naval Reserve, E-1, Yeoman CTA, Communications
Technician Administrator. In 1967 he attended Officer Candidate
School and graduated as a Ensign. Active duty includes January
1968 to August of 1969, serving aboard the destroyer USS Borie
( DD-704) as its Communications Officer. The USS Borie served
off the coast of North and South Vietnam providing fire support
and was positioned for aircraft recovery operations or communications.
In September 1969, he was transferred to Tein Sha Ramp and the
Navy's deep water pier at DaNang, RVN. With a Konica 35mm SLR
camera Dave captured unique aerial views of the Vietnam landscape
and lifestyle north of DaNang towards Hue. After returning from
Vietnam in September 1970, he continued with the Naval Reserve
for a total of 26 years and left the service as Retired Commander,
- U.S.S.Borie Destroyer (DD-704)

- DaNang, RVN 1969-1970

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net