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- Samuel Katz ***
U.S.Army *** WWII 1944-1945
Sam served
as a Sargent with the Army's 149th Engineer Combat Battalion
attached to the 29th Infantry. Basic Training was at Camp Chabourn,
Louisiana, AIT at Camp McCain, Mississippi and shipped to Paighton,
England in 1944. Their outstanding performance in "Operation
Overlord" D-Day, June 6, 1944 at Omaha Beach reads as follows:
- "...during the assault phase of the invasion of occupied
Europe, the assigned mission was to clear, organize, develop
and operate the assault landing beach sectors in order to insure
the rapid movement of personnel, supplies and vehicles across
the beach, and to clear and develop a beach exit... A stubborn
enemy firmly held and defended strong points being made up of
concrete pill boxes, gun emplacements, and connecting trenches.
Heavy artillery, mortar, machine gun and small-arms fire on the
troops on the beach was maintained from these positions. Despite
the heavy enemy resistance the 149th Engineer Combat Battalion
went immediately ashore clearing a path through the minefield
and underwater hazards. Several times joining the infantry reducing
the enemy strong points and snipers on the face of the cliff.
The outstanding heroism, courage and skill of the men of the
149th Engineer Combat Battalion in successfully completing its
assigned mission materially contributed to the successful establishment
of the Omaha beachhead on D-Day."

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net