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Ron Miska *** Vietnam *** June 1968 -July 1969

       Armed with a 50 caliber machine gun,a 4" mortar and a Kodak Instamatic camera Ron Miska shot these images which provide a rare insight into the Armored Cavalry Units which served in South Vietnam. Ron Miska served in Vietnam from June 1968-July 1969 with the U.S. Army.   Drafted he was trained as a Armor Recon Scout, however having a good math background he became a mortar squad leader which wasn't a envious position having to ride around with 2000 lbs of high explosives.  Many of these photos are taken within the Highlands around Ban-Me-Thout, Ducco, and Plei-De-Gerenge and Kontum.
Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
Christy Butler **** (413) 743-4326 **** butts@bcn.net